onsdag, december 27, 2006

Why Makir wasn't there

En liten julberättelse som dök upp i inboxen härom dan.

Makir was fed up. He had been working out in the fields for as long as he remembered, following in the inevitable tradition and deeply planted footsteps of his father and grandfather. He looked at the bleating and dirt-stained flock around him. "Never think that this is worth nothing", he could hear his father's words so often spoken. "You should always care for them as if they were your own." But even if they had been his own, Makir wished for something greater. He was fed up with being bossed around and looked upon as lower than the lowest. After all, he was a young man with ambition. Could he not be meant for something more than this? That was the day when Makir decided to leave.

Despite his family's protests and worries, he packed his limited belongings and moved away to the city. He started working as a simple street salesman, but with time and hard work, he had created his own successful business and had soon chosen to forget the simplicity and hardships he once endured. He rejected the life he had left behind. It was the kind of life with which he did not want to be associated. His standing in the city was such that he could not afford it either. Makir had reached his goal.

This is why Makir wasn't there. He got to hear the story much later – how a bright creature nearly made his father's heart stop, and how they had all hurried into town to see the wonderful child...

av Magdalena Siverbo

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